Five Ideas for Your Next Direct Mail Strategy

So much of the brand experience has become digitized that the commerce world now finds itself in an interesting cycle as old trends return with modern attributes. To stand out today, you might have to look at yesterday. Such as the case with direct mail. Direct mail reaches consumers right where they are-in the safety and comfort of their own homes.

While direct mail is often associated with the days of Sears catalogs, it’s making a comeback because the modern consumer is inundated with advertisements. Email inboxes and social media feeds are becoming increasingly cluttered. To cut through the noise, you can spearhead an integrated digital marketing and direct mail strategy of your own. Here are five ideas on how to do so:

Create a Product Catalog

Just as direct mail lends elements of nostalgia, so too do product catalogs. Since 2015, the amount of product catalogs produced has steadily increased, and customers are becoming increasingly excited to receive them. Furthermore, catalog response rates increased by 170% between 2004 and 2018.

According to Solo Printing, a commercial printing company in Florida, product catalogs are visual showrooms of your products, and offer a high-quality opportunity to make your offerings feel more vivid. By curating some of the products and pairing them with beautiful photos and descriptions, you make it possible for them to avoid option paralysis and visualize themself with their product. Companies such as Printivity are experts at handling all of your catalog printing needs which is why if this article has convinced you of the humble catalog’s marketing worth, you can head over to their site to get started.

3D Mailers

To really set yourself out in the direct mail arena, consider using 3D mailers. IKEA was able to achieve this surprise factor when they sent out mailers that unfolded to create a simple table-one of its most popular pieces of furniture. The message was simple: IKEA furniture is simple to put together.

Similarly, ADT security sent out mailers that fit under the door and had a spring mechanism that turned them into standard boxes once they were on the other side of the door. Although this technique was a little invasive, it was effective at instilling the message: homes are easy to break into. Consider how your product can take advantage of 3D elements to offer a uniqueness and element of surprise to the recipient.

Personalized Letter

Personalized and handwritten letters are a great way to humanize your brand and build emotional connection. Handwriting letters show that you care and demonstrate that you’re willing to go the extra mile to build credibility with your clients and offer attention to detail. Chances are, you’ll set yourself apart from your competitors, as most businesses aren’t taking their time to write personalized letters.

Furthermore, it’s more important than ever to humanize your brand. When you come off as cold and corporate, it’s tougher for consumers to relate to you. Building connections through personalized marketing efforts go a long way towards making your brand feel like more than just a business in it for the money. You can check out this website to see how that can be done as well as helping with communication that leads to the promotion of your brand.

Creative Exterior and Interior Enveloping

Before a recipient even opens your mail, they look at the envelope. So why not put more emphasis on how you present that envelope? One of the best ways to do this is to create and combine your exterior and interior design. Take a look at the examples below for an idea of what we mean:

Notice how both of these options illustrate the efficiency or attributes of the product before the envelope is even opened. This clever use of imagery can reel the recipient in and help capture their attention for longer.

Include Samples

When used effectively, your direct mail can be a great trial tool. If your business has a product that can be sampled, consider taking advantage of this untapped potential. After all, there’s a sense of excitement that comes with getting free samples in the mail. This can result in risk removal for potential customers who aren’t interested in making a purchase for something they haven’t been able to try themselves yet. If you don’t have the budget to include samples in every envelope, use a QR code to take recipients to a website that allows them to order a free sample if they’re interested.