Although the 21st century has seen a major trend towards automation across all industry areas, it has become very clear that automation generally works best under human supervision. This is particularly true of security.
Monitoring devices on their own will do precisely nothing to deter criminals because monitoring devices on their own cannot take action. They can only alert humans. This means that you need to have at least one human looking after security on your premises and there are many practical reasons why it makes sense to employ an external business security service. Here are some of them.
They will have far greater expertise
Another major 21st-century business trend has been the move towards managed services. Basically, companies of all kinds have realized that it makes sense to hand over the running of essential but non-core functions, such as security, to external specialists, so they can focus on their core business. This approach has proven to be a success for all businesses that have implemented it, and you can head to if hiring a security team is something that you think may benefit your company.
Expertise counts across all sectors, but it has particular relevance to security given, rather ironically, that it has to be applied with scrupulous regard to the law. If it isn’t, then you could find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit.
They are an excellent deterrent
When assessing a target, criminals need to know how likely it is that they will be able to get away with whatever it is they intend to do. Being greeted by a security guard with a commercial walkie talkie system makes them aware that they have been spotted entering the building, which means that they can also assume that they will be spotted as they are trying to leave.
It also suggests to them that a company which has spent money on paying the salary of a human security guard will probably also have spent money on effective internal security and that therefore it would probably be best for them to go elsewhere.
They leave employees free to get on with their jobs
You need at least one person to manage security at all times. For clarity, at all times means exactly that, not just when your business is officially open. In fact, the hours in which it is closed could actually be the period during which it is most at risk, precisely because there is nobody there.
Security businesses have been built on the fact that their personnel are trained to deal with any situation, at any time of the day. For example, the Founder of Iron Horse Security, Robin St. Martin, prides his business on the idea that trained security guards have experience in all of the latest methods that can help to navigate away from “use of force”, meaning that they can defuse the situation as quickly as possible, as well as protecting your business and employees at the same time too.
With that being said, alarm systems are certainly helpful, but again, they are only any good if there is a human to take action on the alerts. You might think that the police would respond to an alarm but this is not necessarily the case.
In short, the police aim to respond to reports of crime. Alarms going off may indicate a crime in progress, but they may not. They may simply be a false alert. This means that a human needs to check and confirm whether or not there is an issue which requires police attention and if so to make the call.
Security guards are trained to handle these situations. Your regular employees are probably not and hence could find themselves at risk. What’s more if you give them the training and increase their responsibility by requiring them to be “on-call” for part of the time; you will not only have to increase their pay but may find it more difficult to get staff in the first place.
Author Bio
Marie Tracey is the Managing Director of Heart Security, which are specialists in commercial security solutions. Services include gatehouse security, retail security, static security guards, construction site security and more.
Security businesses have been built on the fact that their personnel are trained to deal with any situation, at any time of the day. For example, the Founder of Iron Horse Security, Robin St. Martin, prides his business on the idea that trained security guards have experience in all of the latest methods that can help to navigate away from “use of force”, meaning that they can defuse the situation as quickly as possible, as well as protecting your business and employees at the same time too.
With that being said, alarm systems are certainly helpful, but again, they are only any good if there is a human to take action on the alerts. You might think that the police would respond to an alarm but this is not necessarily the case.
In short, the police aim to respond to reports of crime. Alarms going off may indicate a crime in progress, but they may not. They may simply be a false alert. This means that a human needs to check and confirm whether or not there is an issue which requires police attention and if so to make the call.
Security guards are trained to handle these situations. Your regular employees are probably not and hence could find themselves at risk. What’s more if you give them the training and increase their responsibility by requiring them to be “on-call” for part of the time; you will not only have to increase their pay but may find it more difficult to get staff in the first place.
Author Bio
Marie Tracey is the Managing Director of Heart Security, which are specialists in commercial security solutions. Services include gatehouse security, retail security, static security guards, construction site security and more.