Loans are taken out for a wide variety of uses, from covering an unexpected bill to paying for a funeral. Your reasons for needing a loan are yours alone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look at all your options for lenders. If you own your car outright, you can easily get a loan against it that doesn’t even impact your credit rating. Choose a great company like Car Cash Point, and you will still be able to use and operate your vehicle as normal during your repayment period. It is the easiest way to get the money you need without any repercussions, as long as you stick to your repayment plan.
What is Car Cash Point?
Car Cash Point is a quality Logbook Loan provider that wants to make the lending process easy and painless. We don’t formally check your credit rating, either, so when you apply for a loan with us, your credit score won’t be affected. We specialise in short term loans and aim to provide exceptional service and rates to ensure we are the best Logbook lender out there.We offer:
- A Trustpilot “Excellent” Rating of 9.4 out of 10
- A Best Rate Promise Guarantee
- An Easy Switch and Save Program
We are a fully authorised Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) company that does not believe in unfair or unethical business practices. If you need a short term loan, your best bet is with us.
Why Do I Need a Logbook Loan Lender?
Logbook loans are great short term loan options when you own a vehicle asset outright. They allow you to take a loan out against that vehicle no matter your credit score, as long as you provide evidence of your ability to pay the loan back. For example, if you are employed and make enough after living expenses.
How to Logbook Loans Work?
Logbook loans are reasonably straight forward. You need a short term loan, you own a vehicle of any sort outright, and you have a loan. Rather than check your credit score, the loan is leveraged against your vehicle. It is similar in many ways to a mortgage. If you cannot make the full repayment on your loan, your vehicle will be taken as collateral. As the vehicle is the asset that is being leveraged against in this loan, however, you will only be able to take out as much as it is worth. Car Cash Point authorises loans from £500 to £100,000.
Your vehicle doesn’t have to be a car, either. We accept all types of vehicles or vessels from boats to helicopters! In some cases, however, you won’t be able to operate the vehicle while you are repaying your loan, such as the case with helicopters or even motorcycles. If you have a regular car, you can, of course, use it as usual so long as it is fully insured.
Why Should We Use Car Cash Point?
You should use Car Cash Point for our exceptional service and guarantees. Though any logbook lender would be happy to give you a short term loan on your vehicle, they often do so with high interest rates or severe penalties if you miss a repayment. We work with you. That is why we pride ourselves on:
Great Service That Cares
Bad months happen. Perhaps a loved one dies, maybe there is a huge unexpected bill. Rather than penalising you for not being able to make back the full loan that month, we work with you to adjust your payment plan. We also don’t penalise you for trying to make bigger repayments or paying the rest of your loan back before your loan ends. There is no exit fee or no early termination cost.
Easy Loan Setup
It is incredibly easy and fast to get a short term loan with us. All you need to do is call us during our office hours between 8am to 8pm Monday to Saturday, or fill out our online form. If we aren’t already on the phone with you, we will contact you directly to get information about your vehicle and your personal history. This is different than a credit rating, and will not impact your credit score in any way. We simply want to ensure you have the means to make your repayments.
We might also need to visit your vehicle in person to evaluate it and give you the best loan we can. Once we have done this, you will have your loan in your account at the end of the day.
No Credit Check
We don’t do formal credit checks, which saves your rating. We merely want to know about your employment to ensure you can indeed make the repayments easily.
Flexible Repayments
Take a loan out from 1 to 5 years with us. If you want to pay it back sooner, there is no penalty fare. We only gain interest when you have a loan with us.
Rate Guarantee
We guarantee the best rate. If you find a better rate on a website or in a formal contract, show it to us, and we will beat that rating by 10%. We don’t want to make repayments painful. We don’t want to put you out of house and home. We want to make using us the obvious and easiest decision you will make all day.
Switch to Car Cash Point Today
We also want to make it easy for you to switch to our loan program if you already have a logbook loan. If you are with someone else, switch to us today and benefit from an interest rate reduction and a £100 Switch and Save bonus.
There are so many reasons for getting a loan, and with a Logbook loan, you can receive the value of your car in cash to use for whatever you need. A renovation? A trip? There is no limit to what you use your loan for, and there are no downsides if you want to pay your loan back faster than initially decided. Directly contact us if you want to up your repayment plan and we will work out a new rate to make the switch even easier.