Why filtered water systems are better for the environment and your business

The website Good to Know reminded us in a posting dated the 27th of November 2019 that you should aim to drink around 2 litres of water a day. The European Food Safety Authority recommends a target slightly less for women, but that is still around three and a half pints.

Staying adequately hydrated is essential to health and even common everyday tasks, such as driving a car, become more dangerous if we are dehydrated.

How much are we drinking?

According to an article in Beverage Daily in March 2019, UK consumers drink around 4.3 billion litres of water a year – a per capita consumption of 65 litres, but well below the recommended 2 litres a day.

If you are running any kind of business, therefore, there remains considerable unfulfilled demand for good, clean, health-giving water – whether it’s to be consumed by your customers or staff.


The major problem in meeting that demand to date has been the chosen method of delivering bottled water – the ever-present plastic bottle.

If you wonder why that is a problem, simply cast your eyes over any cityscape, hedgerow or beach and you will see the discarded single-use plastic bottles littering the environment.

Not only do they litter the environment they also pollute it. The most commonly used plastic in the manufacture of disposable water bottles is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) – which has been at least partly responsible for the production of more plastic in the past ten years than in the whole of the last century.

A story published by the Telegraph newspaper in 2018 estimated that it may take the average plastic bottle – so idly tossed into the hedgerow or verge – more than 400 years to biodegrade. Although PET may be recycled, the very low value of each discarded bottle is so very low that it is often economically unviable to do so.

In a word, the plastic bottle of water is anything but environmentally friendly – if your business is bent on supply such a daily essential in such damaging plastic, you run the certain risk of alienating a good number of your increasingly environmentally conscious clientele and staff.

What’s the alternative?

Your business does not need to resort to an environmentally harmful plastic bottle.

Instead, you may purchase filtered and boiled water systems from which you can bottle the water in-house or have it delivered “on tap”. Not only is this eco-friendly, but offers substantial cost and space saving opportunities.

Delivery systems

Filtered water delivery systems come in all shapes and sizes, designed to fit into any office space or public area.

They might be simple table-top; free-standing units which connect directly to the mains water supply and deliver premium quality, chilled, filtered water (still & sparkling); undercounter systems which do not need to be connected to the mains supply, so can be installed practically anywhere on your premises; or a single source which you can connect to multiple dispensers around your office, shop or workplace.

So, whether you are an office looking to boost staff productivity; a health spa wanting to add that personal touch to clients with chilled, filtered water in a personalised bottle; or, a restaurant which doesn’t have the space to store and refrigerate water bottles, then a filtered water system may be worth considering.