What Should I Do If I Suspect an Employee of Theft but have No Evidence?

As an employer, it can be very difficult to find the time to conduct your own investigations when you suspect an employee of theft, possibly even fraud. Help is, however, on hand because you can always enlist the services of companies such as process server colorado springs. Private investigators are trained in the art of detection and assisting in the legal processes that follow, in terms of collecting evidence. They know how to discreetly investigate without wrongly accusing employees. They can work out a strategic approach to bring the swiftest possible outcome. The longer a theft situation continues, the more money that can potentially be lost by a business, and a risk exists that it may not be possible to recoup the resultant losses. For a small business, even a week’s takings can be too much to lose. This is why many businesses make use of Protection Services to help prevent theft from their stores or offices. Not only can a security guard detect thieves but their very presence often prevents thefts in the first place. However, an employee might be able to find a way around a guard. In which case, as an employer, it becomes your responsibility to handle the situation.

The Clues an Employee is Stealing

Theft by an employee can amount to a shortage of money in the till or staff objects disappearing at random. CCTV cameras have made this more difficult but not impossible. Just as technology to get ahead of the criminal has advanced, so has the criminal advanced in their ways of avoiding detection, fooling the cameras, and knowing how to stop them operating. Employees frequently away from their desks can be a sign of work not being the employee’s sole focus. For information on fraud, a more serious form of theft by employees, click here for details. Fraud is an extreme issue that must be dealt with by the proper channels, it is not good to suspect someone without any evidence, that is why it is important for the business to put steps in place to investigate issues further and see what comes from it, for example, using a company such as Castle.io that can monitor and assess what is going on and help with detecting at a faster rate will give the business the backup it needs.

What Can Private Investigators Do?

Where a theft is suspected, private investigators can install or advise on the very latest cameras. They can deploy their staff to work undercover within the employment situation, so that they just appear as a regular new member of staff to the unsuspecting thief. This additional member of undercover staff can become the employer’s eyes and ears. Private detectives are skilled in the art of disguise and blending in with different environments. This may be due to former police or military training or from shadowing those within their profession whilst learning on the job. A private investigator will be able to plot a way forward in working out how best to catch the thief out. Private investigators pride themselves in knowing the criminal mind as well as the criminals themselves. Not from such activities, of course, but for years catching out dishonest individuals and putting them up for justice in plain sight of their victims.

Bringing the Case to Court

With a private investigator having already been on board, the evidence will have been gathered that is permissible in court when it is presented. This will result in a successful prosecution. If you have gone to the trouble of hiring a private investigator, you would want to see justice done. You owe it to other employees who may have been a victim. If not a victim, perhaps having gone through the process of once being erroneously accused of such a crime. Theft is something that needs to be dealt with swiftly because it creates unease among all the other employees. This in turn will soon impact on productivity.

So, with a knowledge of investigations and the legalities that result, it is worth hiring a private investigator in the first place, and then following it all through to resolve what started off as just a suspicion of theft. Many thieves will have someone else involved who moves the stolen goods or money from the place that they were stolen. This is something that the private investigator will be aware of. As thieves know the tricks of their trade, private investigators know the ways of the criminal mind.