Overseas Tax Planning – Everything You Need to Know

You work hard for your money. This means that when you manage to work your way up and earn a high salary, you want to hold on to your wealth. Perhaps this is for a luxurious retirement or so that you can look after your loved ones when you stop working. Either way, it is important that you understand your tax liabilities now so that you can save later. 

In particular, if you are working abroad and are considered an expat, it is essential that you know what your tax liabilities are. Otherwise, you might end up paying more than you need to. In fact, there are some unknowledgeable expats that end up being taxed twice. This is the last thing you want. So, let’s take a look at overseas tax planning and how you can get started. 

Research the Local Taxes 

You may be familiar with the rules when it comes to paying taxes at home. But are you knowledgeable when it comes to the new country you are living in? This is going to be imperative to make sure you are being efficient and looking after your finances. Again, nobody wants to pay more tax than they need to. 

Therefore, if you are new to living and working overseas, you need to be aware of the local taxation rules. Make sure that you are correctly paying all of your taxes. Then you are going to be able to claim all of your expenses and know how much money you can save. 

For example, look out for whether the country you are staying in has a double tax treaty. This is going to prevent you from paying out more on tax than you need to. Rules change all the time and you have to stay updated.  

Get Financial Advice 

If you are new to tax planning, you can always ask for expert advice. Things can get complicated when you move abroad and it can be difficult to learn about a new tax system when you are so used to what happens at home. For example, you can get advice from https://tailormadepensions.eu, which is an award-winning firm that specialises in expat finances. Getting help now can mean that you can look after your money after your hard work and pay less out on tax. 

Consider a Pension Transfer 

Have you considered a pension transfer? Of course, you always want to be planning ahead for the future. In particular, having a good pension means that you can have an enjoyable and relaxing retirement abroad. If you have already started a pension in your country, it is possible to have it transferred. This is going to allow you to save money and lower your taxes at the same time. You can make healthy contributions, as well as have peace of mind for the future. 

Make Investments 

Perhaps it is time to make some investments. This can be a good part of your tax planning that is going to allow you to be more efficient with your money. Just make sure that you consider the risk that is involved in investments and seek advice before jumping into a deal if you are new.