Travel rewards can be a great way to save more money on your traveling expenses over time. If you’re thinking about getting a travel credit card, there are many things that you may be able to utilize a travel credit card for when it comes to your family. Absolute beginners may not know how to start earning travel rewards more easily, however. Here are four things you can do to get significantly more out of your family’s travel rewards.
1. Find the Right Card
One of the first things you should do when you’re planning on earning travel rewards is find the right card. A good beginner credit card may vary depending on what you’re hoping to get, but there are a few good starter cards out there. The Chase Sapphire Preferred card, for example, is often used as a good first travel credit card because of its versatility and options in redeeming points.
2. Know That an Annual Fee May Give You More Benefits
Especially if you’re trying to save money with your family’s spending expenses, you might automatically assume that a $0 annual fee card is the best option for your family. However, a card with a small annual fee – typically under $100 – may be able to give you more benefits that essentially pay for themselves. Consider looking into whether you may be able to make room in your budget for a fee that works out to less than $10 per month.
3. Use Your Card to Make Most Household Purchases
One of the most effective ways to start earning as many travel points as possible is to use your travel credit card to make as many household purchases as you can. The more you use your card, the more points you’ll get. If you switch to using your credit card rather than a debit card, you’ll be able to start getting more with every purchase. Those purchases can end up giving you plenty of points overall.
4. See If You Can Transfer Points to Other Travel Companies
Some credit cards allow you to travel your earned points directly to other travel companies’ rewards programs. This is one of the best ways to get more out of your point accumulations, especially because it allows you to determine who you want to spend with depending on the value of their points at the time. A card that allows you to transfer points to a variety of travel companies’ rewards programs will essentially be like getting multiple credit cards at once.
If your family loves to travel, a travel credit card could be an amazing way for you to do that while also saving money on your purchases. Some families may be able to essentially go on completely free trips by being smart about how they spend their money. Just follow these four tips so that you can start earning more travel rewards on every purchase in the smartest possible way.