5 Ways to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Business

If we’re real about it, the one deliverable which is right at the top of the agenda for your business is indeed to make a profit. So, with that in mind, entertaining the prospect of something like investing in a campaign to reduce the carbon footprint of your business should be looked at as a marketing opportunity, in addition to the underlying reason of actually doing your bit to save the planet, you can discover more at onetribeglobal.com and other sites like it if you want to find out more online. For instance, you can perhaps be in on some extra business that comes in, on account of new prospects drawn in by your new focus on going green and reducing your carbon footprint.

Fundamentally, you can also just piggy-back off of any drive to reduce your business’s carbon footprint, purely to generate that extra buzz. That said, here are five ways through which the actual resolution can be effected.

Reduce, re-use and recycle

The famous 3 Rs of carbon footprint reduction may be somewhat clichéd, but if you’re really serious about doing your bit for the planet then you’ll take them seriously. Try to reduce the amount of waste your business produces in all the ways possible, like perhaps going paperless where possible. Re-use paper so that by the time it gets disposed of, both sides are used, like writing notes on the others side of a print-out, etc. The recycling part of the equation is a no-brainer. You can do computer recycling and useless electronic goods to keep the business growing green.

Use cleaner, greener energy

The technology powering up greener energy supplies such as solar panels and wind turbines is getting cheaper and cheaper by the day, making it easier for businesses to go green. Those concerned about the carbon footprint released by their companies can get an SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) to be aware of the actual quantity of carbon their firm is releasing and how to combat it in order to become carbon neutral. Even if your business might be one that is heavily involved in classic industry-type operations, every bit of energy that you can source more cleanly should be done so in that manner. The mainstream, grid-connected power should be somewhat of a backup power source. In case,

Go remote

As a direct result of the more digitised nature through which the majority of business and other economic activity is carried out in modern times, there are instances in which entire businesses are operated completely remotely. Even if yours might be a business whose core operations are of an industrial and physical nature, those parts of it which can be facilitated remotely should be. If you are in a position to run any operations via something like a virtual office, that’s exactly what you should do.

Establish green partnerships

If the actual effects of reducing the carbon footprint of your business aren’t at the forefront of the identified need to do so, you won’t have the drive to put your heart into it. If your heart is in it though, you can easily spread the love you have for the earth among the business partners you deal with. Make it a point to encourage your partners and your clients to jump on board and reduce their own carbon footprints as well.

Streamline technical infrastructure and operations

This is one of the most effective ways of reducing your carbon footprint in the biggest ways, and simply entails making sure your business runs optimally. That means the likes of IT and networking infrastructure must be up to date and not use up power when there is no need for it to be using power, etc.