Reduce your website bounce rate and secure a higher page rank

Have you lately been wondering why so many visitors bounce out of your website and never come back? To know the actual statistics, when you head into the Google Analytics, the number there tells you an altogether different story. As a website or blog owner, it is difficult to come to terms to the fact that your website has a high bounce rate. Let’s know more on bounce rate for your site.

Good Bounce Rate – What is it?

What according to you is a good bounce rate? While there are some sites like that may think that a bounce rate of 80% is superb, there are other sites that might think of this statistic as nothing less than catastrophic. It actually depends on your website and on your business goals. If you have just started your website, then you are doing all of this from the ground up, so you may need a web design agency Shropshire service, or services within your area, to help you design and develop a website that you feel will keep people on your pages and engaging with your content.

Irrespective, there are many webmasters and site managers who pay close attention to the bounce rate as an indication of the appeal or ‘stickiness’ of the site. There are some people who think that the bounce rate and have an influence on the search engine rankings like the new machine learning algorithm, RankBrain. Hence it is in your interest to optimize this aspect of your website.

Ways to reduce the bounce rate of your website

There are many marketers who are moving away from their dependence on bounce rate as a metric and rather are focusing on attention metrics. The Top seo companies Toronto have shared few of the successful ways of reducing bounce rate.

  • Optimize the loading time of your site

There are several marketers who assume that in case the bounce rate of a page is high, the issue should be because of the content of the page. The most serious problems arise even before the reader gets a chance to go through the entire page. It doesn’t matter how poor or great a content is if the reader is not able to read it.

  • Use smart formatting for making content accessible

Did you ever click on a web page or a blog post only to discover a huge wall of text? How discouraging can this be to the readers! Even when your content is totally unique and valuable, it won’t matter when your readers are scared off into not reading it. You may learn more on the simple tricks of reducing the page loading time and optimizing your website.

  • Optimize for page relevance

Apart from technical considerations like page loading times or failing to abide by formatting the best practices, one of the main contributing factors to high bounce rates is irrelevance. There are few sites that target certain keywords in an effective manner only to serve content that is relevant to the query. This is why it is vital that you optimize the website for relevance. Therefore, if you find your visitors to be decreasing day by day, take the above listed steps to reduce the bounce rate of your blog or website. Make sure your content is relevant enough to attract people to your blog.
