Boosting Your Instagram Account and Funnelling Leads with the GetInsta App

If you’re running a business in this day and age, you’ll be well aware of the fact that you simply have to pay more attention to establishing a greater online presence. We may not all truly understand the urge to post pictures of ourselves on platforms like Instagram, but that’s the way of the world right now. Those who struggle to create content and gain likes might be more likely to buy automatic Instagram likes to give their profile the boost it needs to get on the Instagram map. Besides, there are ways to approach establishing your Instagram presence from the point of view of a business entity, which is naturally different to the seemingly narcissistic tendencies of those individuals who have personal accounts.

It’s all about creating awareness through content that may very well not even be of your own creation. A simple picture that may or may not be directly related to your business activities could bring you a torrent of traffic. Of course, consistency is also key to this. By using one of the top Instagram bots, businesses can schedule their posts automatically to make sure people will see them. This can bring in more followers for the business. You’ll have to do a bit of work to get those followers though, and by “a bit” I really mean a little bit. It’s almost as if you won’t need to put in any effort at all, because you’ll be doing what comes naturally to anyone engaged in social media platforms like Instagram. Or you may opt to take the easy way out. You can directly buy Instagram followers, which is a popular way used by many brands to increase their follower counts. It’s difficult to build and maintain a following when you’re starting from scratch. As a result, people purchase not just followers but also likes and comments to increase the reach of their posts. By visiting websites such as venture beat you can learn more about Instagram likes and the importance of them if you want to gain a good following. Also, there are many sneaky tricks that you can learn at such as how to hack someones Instagram, which may help you keep your account as secure as it can be.

The GetInsta App

Some forward-thinkers took what was an organised mess of some chaotic “follow me and I’ll follow you back” arrangements and made an app, aptly named GetInsta. It’s a safe download, available across all recognisable platforms, the best of which I’d personally say is the Windows platform. That’s just because that’s the one I use and the one on which I tried out the app.

How it works is you sign up and then add your account. In fact you can add many accounts for which you’d like to get some likes and followers, but you sign up by creating a profile via the app. Verify it by just clicking the link in the email you get sent – pretty standard stuff…

From there you can build up come credit in the form of “coins,” through simply completing tasks through the app which include liking other people’s posts and perhaps even following them. You get rewarded with more coins if you complete the “follow” tasks, but I personally want to have more people following us than those which our business Instagram page follows.

So I complete more “like” tasks to eventually build up enough coins to trade in for followers. You can get a minimum of 50 free Instagram followers instantly, in a safe manner since these are real Instagram users who sign up to the app, just like you’ll be doing.

The business-boosting effects

You get some free likes as well with the followers you redeem your coins for and you can pay with money if you don’t want to put in the “work.” Otherwise this is how you get some real eyeballs checking out your Instagram account, some of which are subsequent followers you would have otherwise never reached through your conventional marketing efforts.

Just one of those followers could go on to become a big client, or spark a boost to your numbers that will cast your Intagram account into the spotlight.